Whether implicitly as a form of identity and status or explicitly through its quarterly publication and funding opportunities, AKD membership has proven to be a valuable asset in my budding career.
– Adam J. Maley, Lifetime Member
Please note: The Executive Office will have very limited availability from April 1st-April 14th. During this time, orders will be processed at a much slower rate, if at all. Thank you kindly for your understanding and patience during this time.
New Email Address! As of June 1st, we have transitioned to a new email address: akd@alphakappadelta.org
Founded in 1920 at the University of Southern California, Alpha Kappa Delta seeks to acknowledge and promote excellence in the scholarship in the study of social problems, sociology, and intellectual activities that lead to the improvement in the human condition.
Deadlines / Updates / Info
Whether it’s providing service to your local community, or hosting an induction ceremony to recognize achievements, there are lots of ways to stay involved!
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