During the nine decades of its history, Alpha Kappa Delta has chartered 682 chapters at Colleges and Universities in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Canada, China, Finland, Philippines, Taiwan, and Singapore.
To see a list of Alpha Kappa Delta’s chapters, click here.
Chapter Activities
Being present in your local community an an excellent way to help increase visibility of your chapter, provide outreach to your local university, and service to your region. Interested in some ideas or how to get started?

- Volunteer to staff the AKD table at a regional sociology meeting
- Volunteer at local events or local establishments
- Fundraise for local groups
- Create surveys for local businesses
- Volunteer to tutor/mentor underclassmen or high school kids
- Hold a clothing or canned food drive
- Attend existing speaking events on campus as a group
- Create your own symposium (AKD symposium grant available)
- Watch films/documentaries as a group and critique during and after each film with a new leader
- Attend and present at conferences (AKD student research grant available)

- Hold and induction ceremony
- Invite a guest speaker (AKD initiation speaker grant available)
- Suggested Initiation Ceremony
- A Brief History of AKD
- Have an outstanding senior award and/or other recognition
- Have students submit their papers to AKD’s Student Paper Competition
- Hold a workshop on etiquette for attending a professional conference
- Hold a workshop on resume development
- Hold a panel discussion on what to do with a sociology degree
- Hold a panel discussion on how to apply to graduate school
- Host a film night
- Go somewhere off-campus as a group (bowling, mini-golfing, movies, etc.)
- Collaborate with another chapter for an activity or event
- Communicate with your Dean or Chair and, if appropriately within your University, whenever there is good news
- Tell your Dean and Chair and the campus PR unit whenever AKD awards your chapter with anything (funding, student paper competition, etc.
- Think about what your Dean values and translate that into what the chapter and students value
- Publish a chapter newsletter
- Maintain a chapter website or Facebook/Twitter page
- Add new members to your department website
- Send a press release announcement to your local news, campus, administrators, etc. about chapter activities, new members, chapter news, awards and recognition, etc.
- Connect with the sociology club to develop membership and identity of AKD in advance of eligibility (start early)
- Hold meetings and have a regular meeting time
- Have officers/students come up with a plan for the year before classes begin (student driven)
- Integrate AKD into the way you think about the activities of the department – talk about it in advising meetings, preview days, classes, etc.