AKD Teaching and Learning Workshops
Upcoming Workshops/Sessions
- 2025 workshops TBA
Join colleagues interested in teaching pedagogy, practical application, and the scholarship of teaching and learning from a variety of academic settings in a workshop/sessions designed to expose the inner workings of course design, student engagement, meaningful learning, and effective assessment. These workshops and sessions will benefit those working within a range of settings, including instructors from community colleges and small liberal arts institutions, as well as early-career faculty and graduate students.
Each session/event is intended to advance the quality of teaching in the discipline of sociology.
Fellowship Funding Available
- 2024-2025: TBA
- Workshops at regional sociology conferences: Alpha Kappa Delta will provide funding to up to three AKD fellowships to support participation in each Workshop hosted at a regional sociology conference.
- Up to $250 will be reimbursed to cover travel expenses, including hotel stay, airfare/mileage, registration, and other expenses.
All sociologists are encouraged to apply for the AKD Fellowship. It is part of AKD’s purpose and mission to serve segments of the sociology community that are currently under-served. To that end, the selection committee will consider institutional affiliation at community colleges, HBCUs, HSIs, and tribal colleges as a positive factor when assessing applications for the AKD fellowships. Graduate students will also be highly considered.
Fellowship Application Deadlines
2024-2025: TBA
The following application must be completed and emailed to us by the appropriate deadline:
- Application to be posted soon
Final selections will be made after the deadline and everyone will be notified of the committee’s selection shortly after that date.
Requirements if Selected as a Fellow
If selected as a Fellow, you will be expected to develop a new pedagogical technique, course, or curricular innovation inspired by the workshop and to provide AKD with a progress report on your work after the workshop is completed. We will follow up with you periodically (three months, six months, nine months, etc.) to see how you are doing and if there is anything we or the program organizers and facilitators can do to help.